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Spotlight: Connie Steensma

Lowell Noteboom is a Partner at Stinson Leonard Street LLP. He is also a Member and Former Chair of the Board of Directors of The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra.

Autumn Policy Updates: Shutdown Prospects and More

In This Issue: Deadline Looms for Federal Funding Agreement; Polling Data Shows Strong Support for Universal Charitable Deduction; U.S. Department of Labor Proposes Updated Overtime Rules; Take Action! Strengthening Federal Arts Education Policy; SBA Continues Shuttered Venue Grant Closeout; IRS Issues ERTC Moratorium

At a Glance: Ticketing Policies

Following several years of policy action at the state level, the Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Congress are turning attention to proposals that would set new national rules regarding ticket fee transparency, dynamic pricing disclosures, holdback practices, and other policies for those that sell concert tickets on the both the primary and secondary sales markets.