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It’s About Time

The good news: more women are getting high-profile jobs conducting orchestras. The bad news: it’s not yet time to retire the phrase “glass ceiling” for once and for all. Will we get there, and if so, when?

The Score: Summer 2020

News and updates from orchestras everywhere. In this issue: the League of American Orchestras issues statement of solidarity with Black Lives Matter; orchestras and musicians respond to racial injustice; how the classical-music field is coping with the pandemic; League’s Catalyst Fund advances equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Join Fellow Arts Advocates: Speak Up by This Friday!

While lead negotiators may have stepped away from the table, Congress continues to consider the scope and scale of the next massive package of COVID-19 relief. The details really matter, and you can add your voice once again by contacting Congress this week, alongside colleagues in the broader performing arts sector.

Music Education is Essential

The League joined more than fifty national organizations issuing the statement, Arts Education Is Essential (PDF), which succinctly reminds school administrators and the public that — especially in the context of COVID-19 — arts education contributes to the social and emotional well-being of students, encourages student expression, and is essential to a well-rounded education for all students.

Steep Artist Visa Fee Increases and Policy Changes to Take Effect October 2, 2020

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has denied the requests outlined in detailed comments (PDF) submitted by the League and national nonprofit arts stakeholders in response to the DHS December proposal to impose very steep increases to some of its filing fees, including for O and P artist visas applications. DHS finalized (PDF) its fee increases and policy changes, to take effect beginning October 2, 2020