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Pension Relief Proposed in New COVID-19 Bill

Among the many provisions under consideration in the newest federal relief package, huge progress has been made to include substantial and long-awaited relief for both single- and multi-employer pension plans.

Speak up: Congress finalizing next relief package

Congress is rapidly advancing a new $1.9 trillion package of COVID-19 relief, building on a proposal by the Biden-Harris Administration, and using the budget reconciliation process to speed approval with a simple majority vote in the Senate.

Mental Health & Wellness: A Conversation

Mental health and wellness are extremely important yet frequently overlooked and stigmatized. In a 90-minute panel discussion moderated by Stephanie Wagner, a trainer and program specialist at Healthy Minds Innovations (affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison), we will open the dialogue to normalize conversations about mental health for those in the orchestra field and beyond.

The League’s COVID-19 Impact Survey

Since the start of COVID-19, the League has been collecting regular updates on the impact the pandemic has had on orchestras. Our third COVID-19 Impact Survey opened on February 22, 2021, with 198 orchestras across all budget groups participating by March 11. The survey collected information to help orchestras gain a better understanding of how, when, and what the rest of the current season and the 2021-22 season might look like.