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Talking About Mental Health

Administrators, musicians, and board members alike can help create a healthy future for everyone in our field by learning more about the often stigmatized subject. In this podcast series, called LooseLeaf Notebook, the composer Julia Adolphe shares her personal experience with generalized anxiety disorder and her journey towards mental health, while engaging other guests in the discussion.

Letter to Washington

This (date of letter), containing recommendations to the Biden Administration, helps us imagine how government could support orchestras and other arts organizations, and suggests priorities for orchestras themselves as well.

Navigating Uncertain Times

Witnessing the dramatic changes seen through 2020 – brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the national conversation on racial justice, among other factors – The Wallace Foundation commissioned AEA Consulting to create a scenario planning toolkit, seeking a way to help arts and culture organizations deal with the likelihood of a “new normal” featuring few certainties.

A World More Embracing

After more than 30 years working with orchestras, I was honored earlier this year to accept the position of President and CEO of the League of American Orchestras.