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COVID-19, Concert Cancellations, and Congressional Action

Community by community, the impact of COVID-19 is variable and rapidly changing. As Congress and the Administration consider new forms of federal economic assistance that may be targeted or widespread, orchestras can join others in the arts and nonprofit sectors that are speaking up to ensure that relief will meet all community needs.

Prepare for Disasters – Before They Strike

Just one year ago, performing arts organizations officially became eligible for disaster relief assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The League, together with the Performing Arts Alliance, worked with Congress and federal agencies to ensure that performing arts organizations in communities affected by disaster will have improved access to federal relief.

FEMA Support for Performing Arts Approved!

Congress has recognized the public value of performing arts organizations by addressing a significant inequity in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster relief policy. In response to concerns raised by the performing arts community, the FY07 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill included a provision adding nonprofit performing arts facilities to the list of organizations eligible for future FEMA disaster relief.