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Success! Air Travel to Improve for Musicians

An important provision that eases air travel for musicians was approved by Congress on February 6, 2012 as part of a broader package of federal aviation programs. The FAA has been operating on a series of short-term extensions since the 2007, and reauthorization has been a lengthy and hotly debated process.

The Columbus Symphony: A Portrait in Stabilization

In 2009, the Columbus Symphony Orchestra faced a $1.5 million deficit with no operating reserves, no line of credit, and a negative cash flow and balance sheet. Through a partnership with the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (CAPA) forged in 2010, the CSO has built a $1 million balance sheet and has finished in the black each year since 2010.

Conference 2011: Where Mission and Money Meet

It’s oh-so-easy to allow financial constraints to drive institutional decision-making. This session will focus on creating alignment between the orchestra’s mission and the financial realities within which it functions.

Audience Growth Initiative

Performing arts organizations have known that long-term audience members are incredibly loyal and generous and have mainly assumed that the challenge was in attracting newcomers to the experience. It turns out that orchestras are attracting large numbers of newcomers, but are not effectively converting them to long-term customers and supporters.