March 13, 2009
Congress Approves FY09 Increase for Educational Cultural Exchange Programs
The Educational and Cultural Exchange programs of the U.S. State Department received $538 million for FY09. While it is not clear how much of this funding might be dedicated to the grant program that supports international cultural exchanges, this represents an overall increase for the program.
July 23, 2020
Urgent! Ongoing Advocacy Needed as Next COVID-19 Relief Package Emerges
Details of the Senate leadership's priorities for the next COVID-19 relief package are expected to be released throughout the next several days, setting the stage for negotiations with House leadership throughout next week.
May 1, 2020
Details, Details, Details on COVID-19 Federal Assistance
As Congress re-groups on next steps in crafting a package of new and renewed COVID-19 relief programs, a dizzying array of details on existing programs has been announced in the past week.
March 2, 2021
Urgent COVID Relief Updates, and Opportunities to Support Music in Our Schools
Speak up: Congress finalizing next relief package; Pension Relief Proposed in New COVID-19 Bill; Newest Developments on Shuttered Venue Operator Grants and PPP Loans; Tune in to Music Advocacy this Month and Beyond
September 25, 2020
Status Update: COVID Relief, Visa Fees, Voter Engagement, and Music Education
Continue Speaking Up for COVID-19 Arts Relief!; Visa Petition Fee Increases Next Week; Arts in Education Week, All Year Long; Nonprofits CAN Encourage Voter Engagement
June 24, 2020
New Action on Charitable Giving Incentives, COVID-19 Relief, and Visa Policies
Policy Activity Ramping Up in the Weeks Ahead; Ask Your Senator to Cosponsor Universal Charitable Deduction Bill; League Calls for Improvements to Nonprofit Main Street Lending Program; The Latest Paycheck Protection Program Updates and League Webinar; Trump Administration Extends and Expands Certain Immigration Restrictions through 2020; Policy Updates for Nonprofits Self-Insuring for Unemployment Benefits
January 12, 2021
Preliminary SOS Webinar, Relaunch of PPP, and New NEA Resources
SBA Relaunches Paycheck Protection Program; National Endowment for the Arts: New COVID-19 Research and Reports; Reminder: League COVID-19 Resources and Webinar
March 11, 2021
Advocacy Work Continues!
Please continue to speak up to let your members of Congress know the ways in which COVID relief is supporting your orchestra and your community. While much attention has been given to COVID relief legislation, there are other bills that will need support in the coming weeks and months as well.
August 5, 2019
Assessment Board Announces Plan to Eliminate Nation's Arts Report Card
In late July, the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) announced its intention to narrow the breadth of subjects assessed by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), eliminating the next Nation's Arts Report Card, the only nationally-reported measurement of what students know and are able to do in the arts.
December 2, 2020
Don’t stop now! Weigh in with Congress on Year-end COVID-19 Relief
Orchestras continue to speak up in partnership with the League and the broader arts and nonprofit sectors, and the many months of connecting with Congress are truly making a difference. Please don't stop now!