
Personal Memberships

Become an orchestra insider and discover the value of this national network.

Please address questions about League membership to 646 822 4010 or member@americanorchestras.org.

Individual Membership – $55

As an Individual Member of the League, you gain access to the following programs and services:

Part of a League member organization? Upgrade your inherited benefits with a 50% discount on a Professional Membership. Discount is automatically applied if you’re logged in.

Professional Membership – $110

If you are interested in developing your career in the orchestra field, Professional Membership is designed for you. You will receive all of the benefits of Membership plus:

  • Access to the League’s Job Listings web site with listings of available employment positions. You can post your resume where it is available to member orchestras looking for new employees. You will also be notified by e-mail when new listings are posted.

All staff and musicians, as well as the board and volunteer presidents, of member orchestras receive a complimentary Membership which can be upgraded to Professional Membership for only $55 annually. 

Become a member

Thank you for your interest in the League of American Orchestras! We are dedicated to advancing the orchestral experience for all.

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