
These instructions will work for your orchestra’s primary and secondary contacts. If you are managing this membership on someone else’s behalf, or if you are not sure who is designated as primary and secondary for your orchestra, please reach out to Member Services directly at member@americanorchestras.org or 646 822 4010.

1. Go to www.americanorchestras.org and Log In with your League username and password.

2. Open “My Account”


Description automatically generated with low confidence

3. Open “Organizational Details”* and scroll to “Individual Information” roster.

4. Make Edits!

a. To remove, use checkboxes to the left of names (circled) to BULK pick and when you are done, press “End This Relationship.”

b. To add, use “Create Relationship” and fill out the 4 boxes and pick a “Relationship” that most closely reflects what that person needs.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated

*If you are unable to see the “Organizational Details” tab in your account’s navigation bar, please contact Member Services at member@americanorchestras.org or 646 822 4010.

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