Streaming and Online Learning Events
In This Section
The League of American Orchestras has created Symphony Spot (, a one-stop hub of League member orchestra livestreams, videos, and digital learning events.
Electronic Media Consultations
Orchestras are rapidly considering how they can continue to serve their communities through streamed concerts and digital learning events. An agreement has been reached between the leaders of many U.S. orchestras and the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada, the musicians’ union, which will allow orchestras whose communities are impacted by the COVID-19 crises to more easily offer audio or audio-visual streaming of certain performances to their audiences. As a service of the League, member orchestras with questions about planning, strategy, and production may contact electronic media consultants, Michael Bronson at or Joe Kluger.
Music Distribution & Licensing Member-only Content
Electronic Media – Contact Michael Bronson or Joe Kluger
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