
Connect with Congress — Advocate at Home Throughout the Year

Without a doubt, the most effective advocacy is direct engagement between a constituent and a member of Congress while on recess throughout the year. “Advocacy” is a broad term, and you are likely already doing it! Simply put, it is in every orchestra’s best interest to show your elected officials – at all levels – the kinds of programs you offer and the variety of partners with whom you work. In turn, you should keep up with what elected officials are doing via social media and their e-newsletters. Share your own news by email, phone or video meetings, social media, mailing a brochures or sharing news coverage, and showing up at Town Halls.

Not sure how to contact your Representative and Senators? Just enter your zip code, and click the name of an official to find a complete profile page with full contact information including social media, as well as committee assignments. Curious to see the complete list of Representatives and Senators, state by state, district by district? Check out our chart of new members of Congress. Don’t hesitate to contact the League’s DC office if you have any questions about which committees are related to key issues for the arts.

Visit Policy Advocacy 101 for ideas on how to involve policymakers in an orchestra event, get a refresher on lobbying rules (yes, you ARE allowed!), and to review Congressional gift rules.

Learn Advocacy

December 11, 2024

2025 Calendar of Opportunities: 119th Congress, 1st Session

The most effective advocacy is between a constituent and a member of Congress. Simply put, it is in every orchestra’s best interest to show your elected officials – at all levels – the kinds of programs you offer and the variety of partners with which you work.
2025 Calendar of Opportunities: 119th Congress, 1st Session READ MORE

Banner: Denver Young Artists Orchestra’s DYAO Spectacular 2020. Photo: Jason Waltrip

Contact Congress

Raising your voice about key issues before Congress is essential. Contacting Congress is easy to do, and your communication with elected officials will ensure that communities nationwide continue to benefit from orchestral music.

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