Playing Your Part
In This SectionAn Orchestra’s Guide to Public Policy Advocacy
If you are involved in an orchestra in any capacity, and you care about the future of your orchestra and the community it serves, being an effective public policy advocate is essential. Through the guide Playing Your Part, the League offers simple, easy-to-read advice on how to get engaged in the policy process and build successful relationships with policymakers. Our goal is to support and empower you to play your part in influencing public policy. Acting together, we can make a difference. This guide includes:
- Facts about advocacy and lobbying
- Tips for identifying your policy issues, partners, and strategies
- Easy steps for tracking and reporting lobbying activity
- A Q&A on the lobbying rules for orchestras
Your questions are welcome as the League adds to this growing resource. Contact us at advocacy@americanorchestras.org.
Click below to access an online version of Playing Your Part:
- Introduction
- The Truth About Lobbying
- Identifying your Issues and Messages
- Building Your Base: People and Partners in Public Policy
- Getting to Know Your Policymakers
- Contacting and Meeting with Policymakers
- Engaging the Public: Grassroots Lobbying
- Follow Up: Here’s what to do if…
- Q&A: The Rules that Allow Lobbying by Nonprofits
- More Resources
Banner: Albany Symphony musicians performing in front of the Capitol as part of SHIFT: A Festival of American Orchestras in 2018.
Contact Congress
Raising your voice about key issues before Congress is essential. Contacting Congress is easy to do, and your communication with elected officials will ensure that communities nationwide continue to benefit from orchestral music.
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