Federal Budget, New and Renewed Targets in Executive Orders, and More
March 17, 2025
In This Issue
- Congress Passes FY25 Funding
- IMLS, Voice of America, and FMCS Targeted by Executive Orderents
- Court Lifts Injunction on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Executive Orders
- Supporting Music Education as Federal Debates Unfold
- Check Out the League’s Latest Resources
Congress Passes FY25 Funding
Congress has averted a shutdown by passing a full-year FY25 continuing resolution (CR) to fund the federal government through the end of September. While the agreement includes instructions to continue most federal funding at FY24 levels, the typical stability that a long-term spending agreement provides is in question as the Administration takes immediate actions to decrease expenditures and reduce the federal workforce. There will be no Community Project Funding, also known as Congressionally Directed Spending, in FY25, even as elected officials are inviting proposals for FY2026 projects that could receive direct support from Congress. Stay tuned for League action alerts and advocacy updates as the FY26 funding process shifts into gear.
IMLS, Voice of America, and FMCS Targeted by Executive Order
A March 14 Executive Order, Continuing the Reduction of the Federal Bureaucracy calls for gutting seven governmental agencies, including the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and the United States Agency for Global Media, which hosts Voice of America. The American Alliance of Museums’ data demonstrates that 96% of Americans support maintaining or increasing federal funding for museums. Advocates are speaking up to Congress in support of the targeted agencies.
Court Lifts Injunction on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Executive Orders
Federal agencies will be able to reinstate a requirement for grantees to certify compliance with Executive Order No. 14173, Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity, after a decision by the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted the preliminary injunction on the order while litigation continues. The League will keep orchestras informed of any corresponding changes that will be made to the National Endowment for the Arts Assurance of Compliance, as the April 7 deadline nears for Step 2 of the application process for the first round of FY26 Grants for Arts Projects. Any new information about the impact of executive orders on both FY25 and FY26 NEA grant applications will continue to be posted on the League’s NEA Grant Application Resource page.
Supporting Music Education as Federal Debates Unfold
Federal education law names the arts as essential to a well-rounded education, and decades of leadership (PDF) by the U.S. Department of Education has encouraged state and school leaders to invest in the power of the arts (PDF) to improve student success in school, work, and life. As orchestras partner with communities to support in-school arts education, take note:
- Efforts to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education are meeting court action (PDF), and fully eliminating the agency would require an act of Congress.
- As both funding and federal leadership in support of arts education are considered, contact your elected officials while Congress is at home and invite them to witness music education in action.
- Join your partners in bringing attention to Music in our Schools Month through the rest of March.
- Learn more about How to Support Arts Education in this new toolkit from our colleagues at the Arts Education Alliance.
- Read Snapshots of Arts Education in Childhood and Adolescence: Access and Outcomes for the National Endowment for the Arts’ January 2025 analysis of data showing positive correlations between the arts and academic achievement.
Check Out the League’s Latest Resources
Playing Your Part – Advocacy in 2025: This February 2025 League webinar provides a roadmap to key policy priorities, how to engage policymakers year-round, and tips from experts and peers well-practiced in speaking up for the arts. This on-demand webinar is free for League members and available to non-members.
Resources for Navigating the Changing Landscape: The League’s updated hub provides overviews of executive orders, legal analysis, and tools to help guide conversations as the federal policy context evolves. The latest additions include background about the False Claims Act and updates on legal actions in response to U.S. Department of Education communications to school leaders.
Artists from Abroad: Orchestras and other U.S. arts organizations need to stay on top of the latest forms, fees, and requirements when engaging international guest artists. The League shares the latest news, guidance, and templates on this dedicated resource for navigating the U.S. international guest artist visa process.
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New Court Action as NEA Grant Deadline Nears
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