
Nonprofit Organization Memberships

Including music festivals, volunteer associations, and arts organizations

Many of the benefits orchestras receive from membership in the League are also available to other arts organizations and nonprofits as Associate Members.

• Bi-weekly roundup of orchestra news from Symphony and a copy of the annual print edition of the magazine

• Festival Listing Discount – Symphony‘s annual summer festival guide reaches more than 18,500 people every year with information about festivals across the United States and Canada. As a member institution, you will qualify for the 25 percent early placement discount.

• Mailing Label Service – Our mailing label service offers member organization expanded access to orchestra staff lists at a 50 percent discount. You can target your direct mail campaign specifically to member orchestras across the country.

• Employment Search and Referral Services – Organizational members of the League may list job vacancies through the League’s Service Announcements.

• Government Affairs Updates – Stay informed of trends on national arts policy and pending legislation affecting the orchestra community through the League’s Advocacy and Government Division.

• Registration Discounts – Receive advance notice of special League events and qualify for reduced registration rates for all workshops, seminars, and National Conference.

Nonprofit Organization Memberships $165 and are renewable annually.

Please address questions about League membership to 646 822 4010 or member@americanorchestras.org.

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