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Playing Your Part – More Resources

League of American Orchestras Advocacy Resources https://americanorchestras.org/advocate/The League’s Washington, D.C. office represents orchestras before Congress, the White House, and federal agencies; provides technical assistance to orchestras on a range of statutory and regulatory issues; and guides and supports the highly effective grassroots advocacy undertaken by orchestras nationwide. Independent Sector http://independentsector.org/The League is a member of …

Playing Your Part – Q&A: The Rules that Allow Lobbying by Nonprofits

In general, what is considered lobbying? Lobbying is the attempt to influence the passage or defeat of legislation through the presentation of views to any person in a position to affect that process: a member of Congress, a Congressional staff member, a state legislator, or a city council member. Individuals as private citizens may lobby as …

Playing Your Part – Contacting and Meeting with Policymakers

Don’t be discouraged by the fact that members of Congress and state legislators are inundated by messages and requests for meetings. The staff members in legislators’ offices are set up to handle massive quantities of email, calls, social media messages, and letters. Each communication is reviewed by staff to determine how to respond and how …

Playing Your Part – The Truth about Advocacy and Lobbying

People often use the two words “advocacy” and “lobbying” interchangeably, and while there is overlap between the two, they are not exactly the same. Let’s clear up what each means: Advocacy is the broader of the two terms and can refer to general efforts to advance a point of view or make your case. Advocacy takes …

Playing Your Part – Introduction

If you are involved in an orchestra in any capacity, and you care about the future of your orchestra and the community it serves, being an effective public policy advocate is essential. The League of American Orchestras originally took shape as an association representing the full array of orchestras when it became necessary for large …