A Letter from the League President and CEO to Members Regarding the COVID-19 Crisis, 3/13/20
Dear Colleague,
Like all of you, the League of American Orchestras is wrestling with tough decisions as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold. While there are no easy answers, there are lots of opportunities for sound judgment rooted in shared values and strong cultures.We are hearing a common thread from orchestras in communities of all sizes: all are urgently concerned about serving their communities in a moment of need while ensuring the well-being and economic future of the people who are at the heart of their organizations. By the hour, orchestras are facing difficult choices about how to support their musicians, teaching artists, international conductor guest soloists, and the full array of staff in this extremely unpredictable time. What can you do? Engage, listen, include all voices, be open and transparent about decisions, set clear expectations, and communicate, communicate, communicate. And leaders remember, it’s not all on you. Let your staff, board members, and peers step up; you’ll get better results and probably feel better, too.
Orchestras are collaborating and innovating to serve their communities through the orchestral experience. The public response to concerts streamed to audiences from New Haven to Seattle has been an overwhelming affirmation of the power of orchestral music to lift the human spirit.
Our community of League members, with our networks for support and learning, is our lifeline now. We have seen connections among members grow stronger this week as orchestras have come together virtually, on our League 360 discussion group, to discuss the challenges of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and to share the solutions they are finding.
We will continue to build out our resources for you as the situation requires. In the meantime, please read below for our most recent updates and guidance.
Resources Page
Streaming Concerts
Our Meetings
Throughout all of this, we pledge to continue to be transparent, to communicate frequently, and to put your interests – and those of the communities we serve together – first. Please let us know if you have questions or ideas, and please continue to share your challenges and solutions with the League and your peers.
We have been through tough times before, and working together, we will prevail.

Jesse Rosen
President and CEO, League of American Orchestras
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