July 1, 2022
Forward Together
The pandemic has been a time of unprecedented collaborative learning among orchestras. But the post-pandemic environment will require orchestras to go further, finding ways to integrate departmental goals and organizational aspirations with new clarity.
July 1, 2022
Board Room: California States of Mind
Board chairs of seven California orchestras speak out about what they see as today’s most pressing issues—for their own orchestras and the field at large.
November 3, 2021
Forward Thinking: Power in Sharing
Arts organizations have long been dominated by the singular artistic leader at the top whose vision sets the course for the organization. As society changes and expectations for the sharing of power grow, that model is shifting in exciting ways. The Public Theater in New York is embracing a model of shared artistic leadership, with new voices and perspectives at the top—and is finding fresh success. What might orchestras learn? League President and CEO Simon Woods interviews Oskar Eustis, artistic director of the Public Theater.
April 13, 2022
Board Room: The View from the Chair
Our tumultuous era presents an opportunity for board chairs to lead their orchestras in rebuilding and renewing their organizations. What do today’s leaders expect as they look forward?
June 28, 2021
At the League: How Can We Help?
November 3, 2021
The Score: Fall 2021
In this issue: Orchestras Mark 20th Anniversary of 9/11; Sounds of Summer; New Homes for Orchestras; Women Composers on the Map
April 13, 2022
Catalyzing Progress
The League’s new Catalyst Guide, Promising Practices: Actions Orchestras Can Take to Make Progress Toward Equity, provides concrete advice and real-world examples from orchestras that are working to expand equity, diversity, and inclusion.
April 13, 2022
Cementing Flexibility
Will the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra’s new collective-bargaining agreement, with more flexible work rules, usher in permanent changes in how orchestras and musicians work together?
January 27, 2021
Boards, Governance, and Racial Equity
The COVID-19 crisis and the national focus on racial justice have profoundly affected conversations around governance, with new calls for equity, diversity, and inclusion on boards and at orchestras.
April 23, 2020
Public Value Toolkit
The stakes have never been higher for America’s nonprofit orchestras to effectively convey how they are serving their communities. Today’s philanthropic and public decision-makers want to see and understand how orchestras are meeting the needs all residents of their local communities.