
June 23, 2021

NEA Rescue Plan Grants to Offer Operating Support, No Match Required

On June 23, 2021, the National Endowment for the Arts publicized grant guidelines for prospective applicants for American Rescue Plan Grants. These Congressionally allocated funds are to help support jobs in the arts sector, keep the doors open to arts organizations, and assist the field in responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Unique from its typical grant programs, ARP grants will be designated for specific operating costs only, and the usual cost share/matching funds requirement is waived. With a focus on reaching a much broader constituency than NEA CARES funding had allowed, the NEA is especially encouraging applications from organizations that serve populations whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by ethnicity, economics, geography, or disability; organizations with small and medium-sized budgets; organizations from rural to urban communities; and organizations that may be applying for federal support through the Arts Endowment for the first time.

Earlier this year, 40% of the NEA’s $135 million ARP allocation was disbursed via state and jurisdictional arts agencies (SAA) and their regional arts organizations (RAO); contact your SAA or RAO for more information. The remaining 60% of funds is available via two competitive opportunities: Grants to Organizations and Grants to Local Arts Agencies for Subgranting (eligible local arts agencies may select only one of these categories).

Eligibility and Use of Funds

Grant Amounts

Application Timeline

Contact the NEA with Questions

First, be sure to read through all posted pages relating to ARP Grants to Organizations before contacting the NEA to ensure your question is not already addressed. Any remaining questions can be addressed as follows:

Also take note of an upcoming webinar by the NEA on Wednesday, June 30 from 4-5pm Eastern, which will provide an overview of overview of the American Rescue Plan Grant for Organizations. A presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Additional resources include Frequently Asked Questions, Common Application Mistakes, Online Tutorial: Using the Grant Application Form (GAF), and Applicant Q&A Zoom sessions by NEA staff that will provide technical assistance about ARP funding.

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