
Electronic Media Strategy

The concept that technology is changing our personal and professional lives more rapidly than ever is no longer new. There are daily reports of new applications for new gadgets that will surely continue to be more disruptive to the economics of our businesses and the tranquility of our homes. For symphony orchestras that quickly pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic to use digital distribution to stay in contact with their communities, there are likely to be internal and external pressures to continue to use this technology to distribute their artistic content to audiences beyond the concert hall.

There will also be continuing pressure on orchestra executives to match the positive PR generated by their peers from these digital initiatives. Although there are some “first-mover” advantages to symphony orchestras that announce the availability of their content on the latest streaming platform, the positive perception does not automatically translate into the realization of measurable objectives for every orchestra. To benefit a symphony orchestra after the newspaper report has become “fish-wrap,” the use of technology to exploit artistic content must be planned and implemented with the same standards that are used for the presentation of live concerts.

This is especially important in the post COVID-19 environment, in which the audiences you want to reach with digital content will likely expect a more highly produced audio-visual experience than merely having cameras record a live performance. The added-value entertainment content expectations are particularly important for orchestras that want to monetize the distribution of streamed performances.

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