October 26, 2020
Your Orchestra, Your Community: Roadmap to Success - Podcasts
An online guide on how to customize the League’s assessment tool for civic engagement in ways that are doable and successful (with scripts).
July 10, 2019
Music and Social Justice
A recent blossoming of orchestral works is opening conversations about today’s most pressing concerns. Orchestras and music institutions are creating an unprecedented number of programs whose social impact goes well beyond the music itself.
October 18, 2017
EdCE on the Rise
In August, the League of American Orchestras released Of and For the Community: Education and Community Engagement Work of Orchestras, which reveals marked growth in education and community engagement (EdCE) activity by orchestras between 2009 and 2014. Here are excerpts and highlights from the report.
May 5, 2020
Conference 2020 – Opening Session: Old vs. New Power with Deborah Borda, Anthony McGill, Jesse Rosen, and Henry Timms
We kicked off our online Conference with a performance by Anthony McGill, Principal Clarinet, NY Philharmonic and Board Member, League of American Orchestras.
October 14, 2018
Grand Tours
More and more youth orchestras are touring, taking their message of youthful music-making to audiences everywhere. Why are they doing it, what do they hope these tours will accomplish for their young musicians, and what might these tours represent as cultural diplomacy? And what’s life like on the road with an orchestra of young musicians, anyway?
January 21, 2019
Bridging the Generations
Intergenerational orchestras boast a unique dynamic: an eight-year-old might share a music stand with an octogenarian. These avocational ensembles also foster improved self-confidence, mental sharpness and physical fitness, and wide community participation in orchestral music.
October 26, 2020
Your Orchestra, Your Community: Roadmap to Success - Additional FAQs
Is this document a kind of scorecard?; Who should lead this work?; When you say “civic,” what do you mean? City, county, state, country?; How important is it to make sure you cover or address all eighteen of the indicators? It seems so daunting, such a big topic. And who has the time? Why should we do it?; How does this fit into the ongoing work of my orchestra?
December 10, 2015
Download Reimagining the Orchestra Subscription Model
The study is based on the largest sales data set from orchestras to date and is the first industry-wide, longitudinal study of ten years of data to focus on revenues and sales trends.
September 15, 2010
Download the Operating Reserve Policy Toolkit for Nonprofit Organizations
This valuable resource will help you make a compelling case within your organization for the need to establish an operating reserve.
June 2, 2015
Conference 2015: Constituency Meetings
This year, over 1,000 orchestra professionals, volunteers and business partners gathered in Cleveland for the League's 2015 National Conference. Here are some of the highlights.